A sermon in the series on 2 Samuel from Peter Gobbo. Headings: God established his King in his kingdom his way; David's road to the throne; Jesus' road to the…
A sermon in the series on the book of 1 Corinthians by Ross Tucker. Headings: Separation vs 1-7 and 9-13; Christ our Passover v8; Where do we stand today?
A sermon on the book of Psalms by Peter Gobbo. Waiting on the Lord is never in vain. Headings: Vv 1-3 Confident in the Lord; Vv 4-6 Longing for the…
A sermon on the book of 1 Corinthians by David Brookes. Headings: It is the Lord Who Judges Me; You are Honoured, We are Dishonoured; Not to Shame, But to…
A sermon in the series on the book of Psalms by Peter Gobbo. The hope of being justified. Headings: Vv 1-3 Vindicate me; Vv 4-8 I walk in the Lords'…
A sermon in the series on the book of 1 Corinthians by Bruce Thomson. Headings: Babies and milk; Servants; Building and their builders; Be Wise.
A sermon from the book of Romans by Bruce Thomson. Headings: Introduction; A tale of two parachutes; The coming judgment; The law.