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Youth Group

Friday night youth group

Youth Group

We meet every Friday night during school term to grow from God’s Word, pray and hang out together. Each week is an awesome opportunity for us to find out what Jesus is doing in each other’s lives.

We kick off at 6:30pm, finish at 8:30pm and are attended by high school students in years 7 to 12 (we also let year 6 kids dip their toe in to connect and check us out as much as they like).

This year we’re looking at the book of Revelation.  We also break up each term with a topical night (3 examples include Dating, Technology & Evangelism) and social gatherings (e.g. Canberra fair, Indoor rock-climbing, IPlay, Games Night and 10 Pin Bowling).

Many of our youth are musically gifted so we have a youth band who lead worship once a month at church.

We also attend KYCK @ Katoomba every year.

We’d love you to check us out and for further info please contact Jack Batchen either on 0413 059 117 or

Jesus is Lord, Amen!