Do you remember who first shared the Gospel with you? A family member? Friend? Colleague? Church worker? I have no doubt you still feel a great sense of connection to that individual, even if they are not someone you see regularly anymore. So many invisible threads bind us to people who have played a part in our Gospel journey.
The Apostle Paul shared the Good News of Jesus with the Thessalonians but was not able to stay with them as long as he would have liked. Despite this, his sense of connection and affection for them continued to grow and we get a glimpse into that relationship through the Book of 1 Thessalonians.
In the first two chapters of this letter we gain great insight into the life changing power of God’s Word, the unique nature of relationships formed through Gospel partnership and the importance of sharing the Good News with others. We see how lives are woven together as the Gospel moves from person to person.
We hope you will be able to join us at Canberra Women’s Christian Convention this year as we unpack this wonderful Word together and continue to be weaved together through God’s Word.